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Community Service

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Service learning- to help foster a sense of care + concern among students for their community + the world at large.

this is a good opportunity to use our skills+ knowledge in real-life situation.

Develop basic knowledge + skills in community service strategies, tactics, + techniques, including the art of volunteerism.

We are Group 3 -Wall and Floor Transformation (30PAX)

Group Members

Royce Brendon YiZheng JieShien JingHang Davin HuiYue Alvin YikJunn

Silviena Juanita Stella Caroline Kristie JingNee Yoome Azha Sylvia YokeSuang Faiha Alinda Jian-Vern Hanan Heshna Seldon Alice Beela Fatin Khairin Celeste

For this project, our leader divided into 3 sub group which is wall, flooring , window and door. I choose wall subgroup as i like to paint.

In front that guy, is our group leader ROYCE KOTA.

What we need to do :

Clean the surface of the wallRepaint the wall with base colorsSketch the interactive drawings on the wall based on what we have discussedPaint the drawings we have madeBold the sketch line (if needed).


Tools & Equipment we need :

-Paint Brush = 15 paxPelaka

-Paint  = about 5-6

colorsPencilBlack marker = about 5-6

Budget : -Paint Brush RM50 Pelaka

- Paint RM 120

-Paint Roller RM 50

-Black Marker RM20

Site Location: Mini Library, Ulu Melaka Orang Asli Village, Serendah, Selangor.

----------------------------GROUP PRESENTATION-------------------------------

Our group planning , can view here.


Decision of the color of the Interior Wall

The color of the area calculation:

The color of Background :

Light green- 125 m ²

Mural :

5 green colors scheme- (6 m ² each) =30 m ²

Ceiling & Truss:

Black- 5L

White- 5L

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