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Building Science  & Services


Choose a room/space where you most frequently use for work purposes as your site.

Map out and record down all main electrical fixtures namely, lighting and ventilation.

Draw out the electrical wiring (make informed assumptions, where not visible, based on your knowledge attained from lectures) to the switches.

Using yourself as the Client, observe what are the discomfort/problems with the existing lighting and ventilation and re-design the room within the scope of lighting and VAC equipment. Your justifications for change may be for enhanced comfort, eco-friendliness or aesthetics. Just ensure each change is justified.

A4 report (compiled in a Management File)

ASSIGNMENT 02: Indoor Comfort Design and ‘Invention’

This is a 2 part project but carried out fluidly throughout the project duration.

02a: Recording and measurement of 4 facings of external walls of chosen building [10%]

Students are to use their current home or a convenient residential building as their site.

Identify the facings (N,E,S,W) of the 4 external walls. Identify their materials and estimate/measure their dimensions. Measure each wall’s internal and external temperature at 3 different times of the day. 7 a.m., 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Calculate the heat transfer, based on relevant examples.

Conclude and briefly reflect on this section by identifying the wall panel that is most critical/highest heat gain/most utilised space for Part 2b.

All findings of this section shall be recorded and compiled into one report with Part 2b.

Assessment criteria:

5% - Effort, clarity and description of recording process

5% - Understanding and accuracy of heat transfer calculations


02b: Passive/Green Insulation Product Development [30%]

Using the critical wall identified from Part 2a, students are to come up with an original idea design solution to reduce the heat transfer.

Your product has no constraints, in terms of material usage, size, type of installation (can be a permanent fixture or mobile) as long as the usage is justified.

Other than heat transfer, your product may also have enhanced features such as audio comfort/noise control and/or light control/visual comfort.

Evidence of quantitative benefit (reduced heat transfer etc) should be included in the report and verbally presented during the formal presentation.

Record down the costs of the materials, tools you needed to make this product (receipts and evidence, calculations of costs need to be in the report), but keep this private and undisclosed from your classmates and audience during the presentation. File one empty A4 paper at the end of your report, for handwritten ‘financial value of the design idea’ reflection.

Important tip for marks maximization: Hand in your complete report before the presentation!

Formal presentation to the class and guests. You may bring a sample or the actual product to help explain your idea during presentation, where practical.

Details of the ‘financial value of the design idea’ will be briefed in class

Assessment criteria:

10% - Understanding, rationale and  creativity and originality of idea

10% - Design, effort and workmanship

10% - Product presentation/video and short ‘financial value of idea’ reflection




WhatsApp Image 2019-11-18 at 1.24
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-18 at 1.24
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-18 at 1.43
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-18 at 1.24.39 PM.
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-18 at 1.43.20 PM.

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She is ELAINE, this is our friend, thanks for coming and support us. haha

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